Member-only story
What are you responsible for?
You are in control, and your life is your responsibility. These were the first words spoken in a personal development class. What! How can that be? There is so much happening which is out of my control. I try to meet goals, but then something comes up, and it doesn’t happen. That’s not my fault, is it?
How does this work? First, accepting no matter what has happened in the past, it’s up to me to change the projection of my future. It’s my responsibility to become the person I want to be. I am responsible for how I behave and my achievements. It doesn’t matter how terrible or great your past was. You create your future. That may mean getting help so you can heal from the wounds inflicted from past trauma. The point is, what actions to take to create the life that you want.
In life coaching, there is a concept called results vs reasons. This is based on the relationship between conditions and consequences. I can’t have X because Y is missing. It’s a disempowering position to believe that you can’t meet your objective unless certain conditions are had. For example, I won’t feel good about myself until I am at my perfect weight, or I won’t be happy until I earn a 6 figure income.
Once you have taken responsibility for your actions, you can measure your success via your results. When you know the objective, you make small steps towards the…