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Do your standards measure up?
I have a morning routine where I listen to videos or a book which puts me in the right frame of mind I want for the day. They are usually educational or motivational. This morning I was listening to Tony Robbins. He was discussing standards, and what he was saying resonated with me.
The dictionary definition of standards is 1. a level of quality or attainment and 2.something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.
We have a certain standard for every area of our lives. These can be seen every day by our results. You may have a standard to be on time. To meet that standard you will ensure that you organise yourself to be on time where ever you go, it could be that you will finish what you started at work, even if that means leaving late. You have standards for everything, work, diet, exercise, cleaning, and relationships.
Your standards are the level that you must have. They are not negotiable. After all, you will do what is required to meet that standard because you see yourself as that type of person. They form part of your identity. I will be late tonight because I have to finish this task at work, or this task at work will have to be finished tomorrow because I must go home to have dinner with my family. They are your values, and these form the basis of decisions we make every day.