I have decided to challenge myself to blog once a day for 30 days. I don’t mind telling you this is scary. I don’t consider myself very good when it comes to writing and putting my thoughts down on paper, or should I say screen. English was one of my weaker subjects at school. Yet, it is one of the fundamental ways we communicate with people, and I want to improve this form of communication.
Why did I choose to challenge myself to blog for 30 days in a row? Sounds like someone who is a glutton for punishment, doesn’t it? A bit over a week ago, I put a post up on Facebook asking, “If there was a secret passion in your life, what would it be?”
Thinking about it, I came up with various passions, but not a “secret passion”. Not a passion which someone who knows me well would be able to give. That’s when writing came up, and at first, I pushed it away. How can it be writing? I am not good at writing, I don’t even consider it something that comes easily to me. I mean, I have thought about writing things before and have struggled to get anything more than a few words on a page. When I wanted to do more posting on my business Facebook page, I started with small inspirational posts rather than writing a blog…